Member Registration developed by TENDER INDONESIA.
This is the place where sellers can promote/sell and introduce to potential buyers, especially multi sectors project owner.
Suppliers, contractors, manufacturer for oil & gas, mining, power plant, petrochemical, infrastructure, agro industry, property, & heavy industry products/services
Most benefit in our service is that your product/service not only displayed in, but also connected directly sector per sector to the Tender Information Page
Just contact us or you can Register online. Our team will contact you, verify and follow up.
RukanKarangAnyarPermaiBAru Block C No 21
Cantral Jakarta --- Indonesia
Telp (+6221) 6230 2979
Fax (+6221) 6230 2980

Tito Loho (+62) 812 822 48240
Lina Gie (+62) 815 3933 5217
Eka (+62) 813 1576 9018
Membership form
Please fill this following registration form